COLLINSVILLE, Okla. — Victory Energy is launching a new comprehensive communications campaign that highlights the company’s relentless manufacturing and service initiatives during COVID-19 ─ “This is What Essential Business Looks Like.” Having been deemed an essential business at the onset of COVID-19, Victory Energy continued to reliably provide boiler and heat recovery products that delivered vital steam for a multitude of markets and applications during the pandemic.

“There is significant responsibility that comes with being deemed an essential business,” said Jeff Coale, vice president of business development, Victory Energy. “A responsibility that we not only take seriously but eagerly embrace. Our customers have come to rely on Victory Energy to continually perform. This is even more apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic. Steam is an essential component in helping to keep our customers operating at peak efficiency. I’m pleased to say that we met all customer challenges head-on and delivered on all our customer’s project and delivery requirements. This was especially critical in many industries, most notably food processing, health care, and power production.”

The campaign highlights significant achievements and milestones that Victory Energy realized over the past four months. Various segments of the business, from industrial and firetube boiler products to burner retrofits and on through to rental boilers that were continually deployed throughout the crisis are featured in individual communications throughout the campaign.

“Steam is an often overlooked and taken-for-granted component of an operation, but one that is essential to our customers functioning effectively,” added Coale. “This campaign elevates the importance of steam and shines light on the impact that Victory Energy is making as an essential business, not just during COVID-19 but every day.”

The campaign that features several different ad executions is going to run on social media, digital, and print ad formats both domestically and internationally. For more information, visit