John Clark, P.E.has tackled a variety of subjects as an author forESover the years. Topics just in the last couple of years have ranged from commercial kitchen ventilation design to seasonal ventilation issues regarding vestibules, on to the role of the special inspector for smoke control systems. His approach, however, has always remained grounded in fundamental knowledge and a keen eye for the most efficient way to get from Point A to Point B. We're happy to share this month's Q&A with John, who brings more than 40 years' experience and a friendly countenance to his work atHammel Green & Abrahamson( in Minneapolis, as well as to his regular contributions at ASHRAE gatherings.

So, what was for lunch?

Beef soup.

When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be an engineer like my Dad was, even though he was in sales.

What's playing in your car stereo?

My wife controls the car music.

What's the most memorable piece of engineering advice you ever received?

Keep the solutions simple.

What habit could the design and/or facility maintenance community change or adopt right now that would make a real difference in the final product?

Use the basics before leaping to technology.

Project or assignment you were particularly proud of, and why?

I was proud of the Notre Dame library because it was a unique HVAC project.

The most important development in HVAC over the last ten years.

DDC for chillers that would allow variable control.

The most important development in HVAC over the next ten years.

Better factory-built modular units.

You can have one dinner with any four people, living or dead. Who do you invite?

Gil Avery, Mark Hedberg, Mr. Carrier, and my father.

Parting tips for a new engineer?

Learn the fundamentals and apply them.

To view other Engineer Snapshots, click on the link(s) below.

Engineer Snapshot -- #1 -- Wayne Dunn, P.E., IAQCP .

Engineer Snapshot -- #2 -- Lee Burgett, P.E.

Engineer Snapshot -- #3 -- Kevin Dickens, P.E.

Engineer Snapshot #4 -- Paul Ehrlich, P.E.