An addendum to theASHRAEventilation standard that contains requirements for separating smoking and non-smoking spaces opened for public review on March 12. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62-2001, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, sets minimum ventilation rates and other requirements for commercial and institutional buildings.

Proposed addendum 62g was approved for a fifth public review at ASHRAE's 2004 Winter Meeting held in Anaheim, CA January 24-28. The comment period for addendum 62g starts March 12 and ends April 26. It will be open as an independent substantive change, meaning only limited portions will be available for public comment at this time.

The addendum proposes requirements to separate environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) areas from ETS-free areas through a combination of pressurization and airtightness as well as through limitations on air transfer and recirculation, according to David Butler, chair of the Standard 62 committee. The proposed addendum allows an exception to the requirements for solid partitions between smoking and non-smoking spaces.

The exception allows openings, such as doorways, between smoking and nonsmoking spaces as long as the system is designed so that air flows from the nonsmoking space to the smoking space. Interruptions to the air flow due to localized recirculations effects (eddies) or short duration events (wind gusts) are allowed.

A draft of the proposed addendum is available only during the public review period. To obtain an electronic draft version of addendum 62g during the comment period, visit the "standards for public review" shortcut on